Good Job! David Cameron

The Prime Minister of Great Britain has decided to crack down on internet pornography. He had decided to protect children and women by requiring internet providers to filter out violent pornography. While not getting into the details, I want to commend him for doing something about a secret plague that is robbing our youngest children of the innocence to which they are entitled. Those who seek to abuse children and women should not be encouraged to do so without consequences. Laws already on the books should be enforced by those entrusted with that task: Attorneys General and Public Prosecutors. Depictions of anything harmful and violent should be prosecuted. Pornography has been allowed to become a multi-billion dollar industry because our elected officials, both Democrats and Republicans, refuse to enforce existing laws. Before the next election of a judge or County District Attorney or State Attorney General, find out what they intend to do about violent pornography on the internet. Our children and our women should be protected from those who are being educated in how to do them harm for their own sick pleasure. Good job, David Cameron!!! May God bless you for it!!

How Are You Walking?

“Also Judah did not keep the commandments of the Lord their God, but walked in the statutes of Israel which they made. … and the Lord delivered them into the hand of plunderers, …” (2 Kings 17:19-20)  Notice that these people replaced God’s laws with the laws of their country.  The leaders and the majority of the people decided to replace God’s laws with their own laws.  That is what is happening today.  Marriage laws, private property laws (thou shalt not steal) and  murder laws are all being replaced with laws allowing sodomy, easy divorce for any reason, same-sex marriage, boy scout sodomy, legal use of harmful drugs, gambling, you name it.  No one seems to care what God’s commandments are.  They just want to be “legal”.  Making something legal doesn’t make it right in the eyes of God.  And judgment is coming, for some who read this may be standing before God after your death before this day is over.  Judgment has come upon our nation.  The “plunderers” are many.  Federal Reserve counterfeit money, national debt in the trillions, bankrupt companies, drug addictions,  molestation of children, mental illness, suicide, welfare destruction of families, fatherless homes, pornography, sexually transmitted diseases, unsolvable wars,   We have been plundered.  Think about it!      

Families are Being Undermined by Satan

I had to break up an old concrete sidewalk outside my back door.  Every Winter it heaved up and blocked my back door out of the basement.  But I didn’t want to destroy the good part of the concrete, just the bad section.  How could I break up the bad part without harming the good part?  I went online and learned how to do it and it worked perfectly!  I dug out the dirt underneath the broken part and then just tapped the concrete along the line and it snapped off clean as a whistle.  The most important thing I learned is that you must undermine something strong before you destroy it completely.  Then it has nothing to rest on and it can be neatly obliterated.  That is what Satan is doing with the  American family.  Pornography for men, Cable TV in kids bedrooms, unfiltered internet, Facebook romances for women, promiscuity, easy divorce and acceptance of alternative forms of sexual expression have so undermined marriage and family that it doesn’t take much to finish it off.  Faithful marriage of one man and one woman for life may soon be something only practiced by a small minority of committed Christians.  But the darker the night, the brighter the light!  Is Satan undermining your family?  Stop Him!   Start with yourself!  Think about it!