Families are Being Undermined by Satan

I had to break up an old concrete sidewalk outside my back door.  Every Winter it heaved up and blocked my back door out of the basement.  But I didn’t want to destroy the good part of the concrete, just the bad section.  How could I break up the bad part without harming the good part?  I went online and learned how to do it and it worked perfectly!  I dug out the dirt underneath the broken part and then just tapped the concrete along the line and it snapped off clean as a whistle.  The most important thing I learned is that you must undermine something strong before you destroy it completely.  Then it has nothing to rest on and it can be neatly obliterated.  That is what Satan is doing with the  American family.  Pornography for men, Cable TV in kids bedrooms, unfiltered internet, Facebook romances for women, promiscuity, easy divorce and acceptance of alternative forms of sexual expression have so undermined marriage and family that it doesn’t take much to finish it off.  Faithful marriage of one man and one woman for life may soon be something only practiced by a small minority of committed Christians.  But the darker the night, the brighter the light!  Is Satan undermining your family?  Stop Him!   Start with yourself!  Think about it! 

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