How Are You Walking?

“Also Judah did not keep the commandments of the Lord their God, but walked in the statutes of Israel which they made. … and the Lord delivered them into the hand of plunderers, …” (2 Kings 17:19-20)  Notice that these people replaced God’s laws with the laws of their country.  The leaders and the majority of the people decided to replace God’s laws with their own laws.  That is what is happening today.  Marriage laws, private property laws (thou shalt not steal) and  murder laws are all being replaced with laws allowing sodomy, easy divorce for any reason, same-sex marriage, boy scout sodomy, legal use of harmful drugs, gambling, you name it.  No one seems to care what God’s commandments are.  They just want to be “legal”.  Making something legal doesn’t make it right in the eyes of God.  And judgment is coming, for some who read this may be standing before God after your death before this day is over.  Judgment has come upon our nation.  The “plunderers” are many.  Federal Reserve counterfeit money, national debt in the trillions, bankrupt companies, drug addictions,  molestation of children, mental illness, suicide, welfare destruction of families, fatherless homes, pornography, sexually transmitted diseases, unsolvable wars,   We have been plundered.  Think about it!