Why I Believe the Bible

When I was in high school, I began to question my Christian faith.  If I had been brought up in a Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist home would I be a good Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist?  How can I know I am right and they are wrong?  I began going to the public school library during my lunch time and reading the Bible for answers.  This is what I came up with:  There is sufficient evidence to convince me that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.  His followers, who were eyewitnesses, gave their lives rather than to deny the reality of the resurrection of Jesus.  It was their hope because they had seen Him die and saw Him alive after His death.  Since I am sure that Jesus rose from the dead, then He must be who He said He was.  He must be the Son of God who fully reveals God the Father.  He must be God in human flesh.  He must be our Savior from our sins.  He must be the one who takes us from earth to Heaven when we die.  But what about the Bible?  Can it be trusted?  It was written  by so many different people over such a long time.  Could it all be true?  I went back to Jesus.  Since He rose from the dead, I can trust Him to tell me about God and everything else, because he is God.  By definition, God knows everything.  Jesus quoted from every part of the Old Testament and said that it was “every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).  That’s good enough for me.  But what about the New Testament?  How could the Apostles remember everything that Jesus said accurately?  I found the answer in John 14:26,”But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”  Jesus authenticated the Old Testament and pre-authenticated the New Testament.  No one is to add to it or take from it because it is all God’s inspired word.  It is all true.  It is all trustworthy.  It is all helpful to make us the people God created us and redeemed us to become.  The first step is the read the book of the Bible called “John”.  It will tell you the story of Jesus, what He said and did while He was on earth for 33 years.  This book will produce saving faith in you as you read it with an open heart.  When you are a believer in Jesus, He will open your spiritual eyes to understand what the Bible says about the origin of the earth and the events predicted for the future.  It is all true because God knows everything!  Think about it!!!       

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